Building (e-)learning bridges between Portugal and Turkey

E-Learning has revolutionized learning as we know it. Shifting beyond traditional mode of education, e-Learning has become an advantage for all learners in general. Further, e-Learning also bridges the gap of learning across borders, emerging as the new paradigm of modern education [2]. With e-Learning, learners can have access to training in other universities and to academic resource materials from other countries, thereby broadening the knowledge base of students. Despite these promising advantages, there are many barriers that face both trainers and trainees within an e- Learning environment. These barriers to e-Learning are very similar across European countries, example of that is Portugal and Turkey. This is a clear finding of the Building (e)Learning Bridges project (Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig Learning Partnerships, 2012-14). This project aimed to design and test a usable web based protocol to facilitate the creation of effective e-Learning activities. This paper presents the accomplished e-Learning Protocol and the results of the mentioned test activity.

Ano: 2014
Autor(es): José Alberto Lencastre, José Carlos Bronze, Sukru Çetin Ilin, Mesut Özonur

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